Monday, April 28, 2014

Korayem Dental Clinic


Our location in Smouha (the heart of Alexandria) few minutes from makes our clinic easily accessible for Alexndranians

For patients visiting us from outside Alexandria KDC is :

- few minutes walking from Sidi Gaber train station ...
- 5 minutes driving from Cairo-Alexandria highways ( both Deserts and Agricultural roads)
- 5 minutes driving from Al-Nozha international airport
- 25 minutes driving from Borg Al Arab international airport


The staff at Korayem Dental Clinic is well trained and updated with the most recent techniques in the world of dentistry by attending many advanced courses, workshops, and conferences either in Egypt or internationally.
Clinic staff is headed by Dr.Ahmed Korayem the specialist in restorative dentistry and smile design and a member in American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Technology and quality of work:

- We guarantee the most advanced technology and equipments which is necessary for proper treatment for our patients.
- We have a very strict Sterilization system because we believe our patient's safety is number one priority in our clinic

- the quality of materials used in dentistry is one of our most important advantages, the materials used in our clinic are carefully selected from a huge variety of materials to guarantee the best and the most durable results.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Smile makeover care and maintenance

A smile makeover is an emotional and financial investment you make in yourself to enhance the health, function and appearance of your smile. You want that investment to bring happy and satisfying returns for years to come.

With proper care and regular dental visits, your smile will look good and your crowns, veneers and other restorations will last for many years. In fact, resin-based restorations (such as tooth-colored fillings) can last anywhere from three to nine years or longer with proper care. Porcelain restorations (such as veneers and crowns) can last 10 years or more before they need to be replaced.
Knowing how to modify your oral hygiene habits to best care for your restorations will help you maintain your new smile for years to come.


Highly abrasive toothpastes and tooth brushing habits can scratch the surface of restorations, dulling their polish and luster. As such, non-abrasive fluoride toothpastes are recommended. An example of non-abrasive toothpastes is Rembrandt, which was originally developed for use by people with cosmetic restorations. Brush two to three times each day for maximum effectiveness.


Flossing is a key factor in removing debris and plaque from the teeth, and actually increases the lifespan of restorations and helps prevent tooth decay. Flossing is important for everyone, but is especially important for people with veneers, since impeccable gum tissue health is important.

Mouth Rinsing

Mouthwashes containing alcohol have been shown to have a negative effect on composite fillings. What's more, the alcohol content in mouth rinses, over time, can degrade the bond between your restorations (crowns and veneers) and your teeth. Use alcohol-free mouthwashes instead.

Food and Drinks to Limit or Avoid

Avoid foods high in sugar and limit between-meal snacks to prevent cavities. Limit consumption of coffee, soda, tea, etc. to keep your smile stain free.
Do not drink alcoholic beverages excessively. Too much alcohol can ruin your dental work.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tooth Implants

§    Dental Implants and Roots

§  The key benefit of dental implants over other tooth replacement systems is that an implant connects directly to the jaw bone. It's obviously not the same as the original connection, but functions just the same. When a tooth is lost,bone loss will eventually occur in that region because the root is no longer stimulating and stabilizing the bone. By using titanium--which biochemically joins to bone--to replace the root, you get a bond that more accurately replicates the one found in nature.
§    What Happens When You Lose a Tooth?
§  When you lose a tooth, especially a back tooth, you may feel you don't need to replace it, since no one can see that it's missing and you have plenty of other teeth. However, there is more bone loss going on under the surface once a tooth is lost. Surrounding each tooth is an alveolar bone that supports the tooth and when the tooth is lost, that bone basically melts away. This is why people who have lost most of their teeth and are not wearing dentures appear to have a caved-in appearance to their mouths.
§  Besides causing damage to the immediate area, tooth loss affects remaining teeth as well. Teeth create a structure for the face and their loss can shift the surrounding teeth, creating esthetic issues and bite problems. A lost tooth can also affect facial structures such as the jaw, muscles, jaw joints, and even the skin. If several teeth are lost, it's not uncommon to suffer from social consequences and poor nutrition.
§    Rebuilding Bone
§  When the supporting alveolar bone melts away, it's gone for good, but through grafting, a skilled dental professional can recreate bone to fuse with and support an implant. This is wonderful news, but it is still best to have a dental implant as soon as possible after the tooth is lost for the most predictable anesthetic outcome.
§    Timeline
§  Replacing a tooth with an implant and a crown is not a one-day procedure. The implant needs time to properly adhere to the bone and create a healthy fusion before the crown can be attached and full bite force can be applied. In most cases, it will take a few months to complete the process.
§  Due to the timeline, dental implants are actually a series of steps; each is very different and may require an individual specialist.
§  Korayem Dental Clinic teamwork is the professional clinic with implants specialists you need to start with your dental implant.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Smile Make Over

Smile Make-Over:

In Korayem Dental Clinic we believe that enhancing people’s smiles equal enhancing their life but sometimes people feeling embarrassed to even open their mouths. That’s why we do care about creating smile.
Your oral health must be evaluated before a cosmetic dentist develops a plan for your smile makeover. Your cosmetic dentist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your teeth, gums, underlying support structure and bite (occlusion) to determine candidacy for a smile makeover. If your evaluation reveals that you have an oral health problem – such as a misaligned bite (malocclusion) or gum disease – you will need to undergo treatment prior to your smile makeover.
Since treatment for a bad bite often involves most or all of the teeth, it is called a full mouth reconstruction. Although full mouth reconstruction may take more time, patients are usually very pleased with the resulting transformation, since aspects of the smile makeover (such as improving the appearance of your smile) can be part of the process.
Once your smile make over can be treatment planned, other dental professionals may be involved in process. These professionals may include a dental laboratory technician, prosthodontist, endodontist, periodontist, orthodontist or an oral maxillofacial surgeon.
Smile Makeover Preview
An integral part of a Smile Makeover process is the preview of potential results you evaluate before treatment begins. Cosmetic dentists incorporate a variety of dental technologies to show you the changes that you can expect to see in your smile.
For example, during your oral health evaluation for veneers and crowns, your cosmetic dentist may create a wax model mockup of temporary teeth to accurately communicate the requirements of your procedure to the dental lab technician. Temporaries and wax mockups also offer you a preview of the expected outcome to ensure that you are comfortable with the proposed treatment plan.
Other methods available for you to preview your smile makeover include the following:
Dental Imaging Software: Imaging technologies offer a preview of your smile makeover results. Your dentist may use imaging technology to communicate the specifications for your procedure to the dental lab technician or any other dental professionals involved in your treatment plan. However, a digital image only gives you an idea of what you might look like when the makeover is complete; it may not fully match your final results.
Before and After Photos: Before and after photos of other patients who have had smile makeovers offer examples of the results you may expect to see. The photos may also give you an idea of the quality of work performed by your cosmetic dentist.

Dental Study Models: Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and fill it with plaster to form an exact model of your teeth. The plaster can then be reshaped by trimming away excess areas or enlarging areas that require more volume. Dentists use study models to show you every aspect of the changes you can expect to see with your makeover. Dental lab technicians also use study models as guides for fabricating makeover materials like crowns or veneers.
Your dentist may work with a laboratory that incorporates digital technologies. In such instances your dentist may be able to use digital scans of your teeth, rather than traditional impressions, for use in making the models of your teeth and smile.
Dental Composite Bonding Mockup: Dental composite bonding may serve as a mockup of your smile makeover. The dentist can temporarily bond composite resin material to your teeth so you can fully visualize the impact of the procedure before treatment begins. In the case of veneers, dental composite bonding allows you to identify how comfortable you are with their look, feel and fit. Adjustments may be made until you are comfortable with the function and appearance of your new smile. Temporary mockups have no lasting impact on your teeth once they are removed.

For more information about smile make-over services, kindly contact us: 01141222231

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Fordyce's Granules

(fordyce's Disease)
• Also called fordyce's Disease and sebaceous nevi.
• Not a disease of oral mucosa. It is developmental anomaly characterized by heterotopic collections of sebaceous gland at various sites in the oral cavity.
• This occurs due to inclusion of sebaceous glands in the oral cavity of ectoderm during development of the maxillary and mandibular processes of embryo...nic life.
Clinical Features:
• Appear as small yellow spots, either seen individual or forming a large plaques, often projecting slightly above the surface of tissue.
• Most frequently seen as a bilaterally symmetrical pattern. On the cheek mucosa, opposite the molar teeth.

TMDs and TrPs

TMDs and TrPs –Temporomandibular joint disorders include acute, painful inflammation of the TMJ and chronic, non-inflammatory joint conditions. Either one can lead to the activation of painful trigger points in various neck and masticatory muscles. These TrPs can also occur independently and are the most prevalent cause of painful symptoms. While most sufferers of TMD have TrPs, not all who have T...rPs in the muscles of mastication have TMD.

The TMJs are bilateral compound synovial joints with a fibrous tissue surface capable of remodeling under stress – something the hyaline cartilage in most synovial joints cannot do. Each TMJ contains an articular disc that essentially divides the joint into upper and lower compartments and acts as a third bone in hinge-sliding movements.

In this illustration of the “click” of early stage TMD, (A) is a rest, (B) as the condyle begins to translate forward it must override a thickness of posterior disc material, causing a click and in (C) and (D) opening of the mandible and translation of the condyle continue normally.

Cuses Of Bleeding Gum

 Systemic diseases:
1- Scurvy ( Vit. C deficiency).
2- Thrombocytopenia.
3- Platelets dysfunction.
4- Acute leukemia....
5- Bleeding diathesis.
* Local conditions:
1-Injury to the gum>
2- Pyorrhea.
3- Receding gums.
4- Local lesions such as:
a- Epulis.
b- Epethilioma.
c- Stomatitis.
d- Papilloma.