Thursday, June 13, 2013

Art Of A Perfect Smile

Art of a Perfect Smile
 A straight smile is a healthy smile
 A nice smile is not only beautiful, it also promotes good health:

Straight and evenly spaced teeth are easier to keep clean, providing better oral health.
 Properly aligned teeth chew more efficiently, which can aid in digestion.
 Ideally aligned teeth create a more perfect bite, which can reduce stress, headaches, and strain on your supporting bone and tissue.
 Ideally aligned teeth create a more perfect bite, which can reduce stress, headaches, and strain on your supporting bone and tissue.
 According to the American Association of Orthodontists, crooked and crowded teeth are hard to clean and maintain. This may contribute to conditions that cause not only tooth decay but also eventual gum disease and tooth loss.


The tooth squeeze is actually known in the scientific community as “Barodontalgia”,
a complicated word meaning “toothache that occurs in response to changes in environmental pressure”.
Although rare, this phenomenon can quite incapacitating.

# WWII aircraft pilots were the first ones to report this type of toothache as they experienced dental pain during flight which is also known as aerodontalgia. Afterwards, the same
phenomenon was noted amongst SCUBA divers.
No one knows for sure how the “tooth squeeze” happens but certain explanations have been proposed .

Barodontalgia seems to be triggered by entrapped gas in closed spaces of the human body, like in the sinuses, under a broken filling or in a fractured tooth. As one descend deeper and deeper below the water surface, pressure increases and entrapped gas is compressed. As one ascend back to the surface of the water, the pressure decreases and the gas expands. Pain is experienced when those enclosed space cannot adapt to the pressure change.
Imagine an air bubble that somehow traveled inside a tooth through a fracture line while the diver was underwater. As the diver comes back to the surface, the tiny bubble would expand and take more space. Our body experiences this change through the stimulation of pain receptors. Since the tooth is really hard, it cannot change its shape to adapt to the stress caused by the growing bubble and can potentially explode!!! In those really rare cases, not only is pain noticed but dental trauma too. If the bubble was stuck under a broken filling instead, then the filling might separate from the tooth. If a person with a cold or any sort of sinus congestion dives deep into the water, compression of the gas in the sinuses may cause some bruising to the tissue lining of sinuses. Sometimes, those bruises in the sinuses may cause a sensation of pain in the upper teeth, a phenomenon we call
“referred pain”. It is interesting to know that dental pain experienced on a diver’s descent usually comes from the sinuses. Dental pain upon ascension may indicate a
broken tooth, a broken filling or even a defective crown.
Thus it is important to keep good oral health and visit the dentist regularly. Broken fillings and loose crowns should be replaced and fractured teeth should be treated.
People should also avoid diving when having a cold or sinus congestion.

Surgical steps to remove impacted tooth

Surgical steps to remove impacted tooth
(A) 'S' shaped incision from the retromolar area to the first molar region,
(B) Reflection and retraction of mucoperiosteum
(C) Use of bur and chisel to remove the ...buccal bone overlying the tooth bud,
(D) Exposure of tooth bud and its removal
(E) Remnants of the dental follicle
are curetted out or removed using a hemostat,
(F) Closure of the wound using three or four sutures.

How to Impress patiens

about impressing patients there are many important bits everybody should remember them :
1-The first impression which is how clean and tidy is the surgery uniform, the smell in the surgery and the appearance of the dentis...t etc. the music sort and level
2- Eye contact
3- Gently talk to your patient and call him by his familly name and ask him how he prefers you to call him
4- Confidentiality . (never ever pass treatment details to somebody without patient's permission even if a wife asks you about her husband)
5- Build confidence let nervous patients know that nobody will know they were petrified or in tears...
6- Reputation specially if you live in a little town make sure you don't go drunk or drive crasy ....
7- Listen to patient without interuption
8- Keep appropriate records and check them before patient entrance to the surgery
9- take time to investigate every case before making a diagnosis as patients won't trust you if you say different diagnosis
10- Explain every situation and its risk if no treatment performed , show patient Xrays. Google and show similar problems to prove you are giving the right diagnosis
11-Discuss treatment options risks and charges before you perform it
12- Time keeping to make sure patients don't wait long, apologize when late even 10 min
13- Don't blame patient if treatment fail use SAD but GLAD (SAD you lost the filling but GLAD you come back....)
14- Follow up by review appointment or phone to make sure everything is going well

Best wishes to everybody

Botox In Dentistry


1.Tmj problems.
2.lip augmentation.
... 4.retraining facial muscles.
5.Gummy smiles.
share ur opinion about botox in dentistry, bros and sisters.
--thank you.

Botox Therapy for Every Dental Practice
To say that Botox is a popular esthetic treatment is a vast understatement. Over 21 years has past since the introduction of botulinum toxin A injections (Botox) have been used for the unsightly frown lines between the eyes and smoothing of facial wrinkles. Botox treatments are the most commonly preformed minimally invasive cosmetic procedure in North America. There were nearly 2.5 million cosmetic procedures done with Botox in 2008 according to The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Women accounted for 92% of the total cosmetic procedures done. Botox cosmetic procedures accounted for 24% of all cosmetic procedures done in 2008. The safety records of Botox treatment is nearly unparalleled by just about any other delivered medication on the market.

How Does Botox Work
Botox is a trade name for botulinum toxin, which comes in the form of a purified protein. Botulinum toxin A is the most commonly used form with a few thousand articles supporting its use in scientific and medical literature. The mechanism of action for botulinum toxin A is really quite simple. It is injected into the facial muscles and, within a few hours, it attaches itself to the nerve endings of the motor muscles, thereby affecting the nerve transmission to these muscles. It takes anywhere from two to ten days to block the nerve transmitters which innervate the muscles where it was injected. There is no loss of sensory feeling at all during the time that botulinum toxin A is effective. Once these motor nerve endings are interrupted, the muscles cannot contract. When the muscle does not contract, the dynamic motion that causes wrinkles in the skin will then cease. The only reason there are wrinkles in the skin in the first place is because the muscle is moving underneath it, thereby these are called dynamic wrinkles. Approximately three to ten days after treatment, the skin above these motor muscles becomes nice and smooth. The effects of Botox lasts approximately three to four months depending on various factors including the amount of botulinum toxin A injected, metabolic activity of the patient and lifestyle choices, which may cause the Botox treatment not to last as long. When the patient sees the wrinkles reappear, the patient needs retreatment.

Dental Uses for Botox
Now that approximately 7% to 8% of dentists (and growing) in North America are now providing Botox treatment to patients for cosmetic treatment, there are other innovative uses being found for Botox in dentistry. Most dentists are not aware of the substantial benefits that Botox has as an adjunctive therapy in dental and cosmetic treatment. Botox has useful clinical uses as an adjunct in TMJ and bruxism cases, even more so for patients with moderate chronic temporomandibular joint and facial pain. Botox is a muscle relaxer and when given in typically half the dosage used for facial wrinkle smoothing treatment, it can greatly reduce the intensity of the muscle contractions that contribute to TMJ and facial pain and give the patient significant relief. We have all had TMJ patients that have gotten the bruxism appliances, have done full mouth reconstructions, and are still at wits end at trying to find the right answer that will help them with their facial pain. Botox can play a very important role in reducing or eliminating their facial pain.

Botox is often used in conjunction with dermal filler therapy as a non-surgical alternative to high lip line cases. The treatment that most dentists have been trained to deliver to these patients would be some kind of periodontal flap surgery with significant osseous reduction through a crown lengthening procedure in order to be able to raise the gingival height to meet the lip line. The patient would then require crown and bridge therapy to better establish the dental esthetics. Every dentist knows how aggressive that treatment would be. I would venture to say that few dentists themselves would, if they were the patients, want to proceed with that kind of aggressive treatment, yet this is what we offer to our patients. With some Botox therapy and lip augmentation with dermal fillers, the muscles surrounding the lip are weakened so they cannot raise the lip as high as before. This has to be done carefully so that the patient maintains full lip competency allowing them to go about their normal activities such as speaking, smiling, puckering, and eating. When done correctly, the patient is not able to raise her lip as high as before to show the gingiva on the left side, but still has the full ability to speak, chew and kiss.

It is important to be able to offer all of the alternatives to the patient for high lip line cases. The advantages of the aggressive treatment option of crown lengthening, possible orthodontics, and crown and bridge therapy, the results will be long lasting and can be esthetic. The disadvantages are the treatment will take a number of appointments, high cost immediately, possible complications of said treatment including sensitivity, possibly requiring endodontic therapy later on, and necessary re-treatment in 10-15 years as gingival recession occurs. The advantages of treating cases like the one above with Botox and dermal fillers are close to immediate results in one appointment and no removal of tooth structure. The disadvantages are needed re-treatment 2-3 times a year and the cost associated with that treatment. It makes no difference to me as the clinician which the patient chooses but it significantly expands the treatment choices we now have in dentistry.